Object painting /

Benjamin, Andrew E.

Object painting / Andrew Benjamin. - London : Academy Editions, 1994. - 128 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 124-128).

1. Objects and Questions -- 2. Matter and Meaning: On Installations and Sites -- 3. Material Events: Langlands & Bell -- 4. Installed Memory: Christian Boltanski -- 5. Painting as Object: Robert Ryman -- 6. Timed Surfaces: Jackson Pollock -- 7. Placing History: Anselm Kiefer

A sustained interpretation of painting and the question of the art object. This text considers both these topics, central to the understanding of art in the 20th century, reviewing the relationship of painting to time, the continuing influence of Duchamp on the art-object, and minimalist sculpture.

9781854903617 1854903616


Object (Philosophy)